Thursday, June 17, 2010

Check Up

So, I was called out by a family member for not updating this page.

I know I have been slacking. I was hoping that by blogging again that desire to do things as I did them a few years ago would return. The truth is that desire has not returned and I am not going to force it right now.

I did want to let you all know that I have been regularly running again. I am getting in 2.5-3.0 miles Monday through Saturday. I took last weekend off when I went to Missouri but I am back on track.

The more I do it the easier it gets. Thinking of looking up a 5k soon. We shall see...

Any updates on you? Anyone out there? Bueller...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Count down

3... oz oven roasted chicken breast

2... cups chopped, fresh romaine lettuce

1... quarter cup each chopped pecans and croutons


Add two tablespoons reduced fat ranch and let's pray I keep it all off my keyboard while I type this!

The morning after I returned from Haiti I weighed myself. I think I am the only person who can go to a poverty stricken country and come back heavier. When I left I was at 206, when I returned I was over 210! Really? Really!? I guess that's what happens when you have a week of stress, beans, rice, Clif bars, and Haitian spaghetti.

I vowed to begin using to track my calories and fitness on Monday morning. It has definitely helped me keep stay on track. Those who followed me a few years ago know that counting calories is not my thang. I am so thankful for free programs like Sparkpeople that do pretty much ALL the work for you.

I am feeling better than I have in months and the majority of the credit goes to the Holy Spirit for interceding on my behalf, and my husband for all his support and encouragement.

I did have a minor setback though. On Tuesday night at softball I re injured my right ankle. Praise God it wasn't anything like when I wrecked it in November! It is already doing fine and I will probably start my cardio back up tomorrow.

So, what about my weigh goals and my weigh in?

Well, I think I need to re-evaluate my short term goal. I am probably going to need another month to get back under 190. My new short term goal is to get to 195 By June 3rd.

Maybe this is God's way of letting me enjoy the day I get under 200 again. Last time I hit that milestone I was in the middle of post partum depression and really could have cared less. This time there will be at least a celebratory dance!

I weighed in this morning at 202.0! Yay!

Actual results. Feels good.

How is everyone else doing?